. >> welcome to tekla vintage. >> when i was growing up i got hand me downs.t's a good way to revitalize and bring it into the 21st century. >> how did it become the city that is so heavily muslim? >> well, really, it's the same kind of process of chain migration that brought poles here and basically brought everyone here across the country. so and so comes, pretty soon the village is here. >> nobody has chased me out of town yet. more should come. >> exactly. >> now the city council has -- >> a muslim majority. >> there are a lot of talking points people do nationally, talk about muslims, shari a law and things like that. >> it is so divorced from reality. there is no push toward sha-ria law, even if it were allowable. people ask us about that all the time. they roll their eyes. we're not afraid of our muslim neighbors. >> you're painting a rosy picture. all cities have tension. everybody is the same race, same religion. >> absolutely there are tensions. call to prayer becomes an issue occasionally, especially in the summer, people have their windows open. >>