and [shouting] indians celebration the creation of telangana but it's not okay for everyone. ♪ but firsticopter ships have been firing on hallsha fires in the libya city of benghazi. at least 7 people have been killed during this between al-shari and hasta and the fighting is along a main highway on the west of the city which is surrounded by residential areas and residents saying the fighting there is the worst they have seen since march 2011 and that is when forces loyal to the late libyan leader gadhafi tried to enter the city and we go live to the capitol tripoli and go to stephanie. from where you are, what can you tell us about what is happening so many kilometers to the east? >> reporter: well, i have been speaking to people in benghazi that started in the morning around 3:30, libyan time and going on for 8 hours and it's still on going now and when i spoke to him i could hear massive explosions going on around him and people are terrified and what happened is the group as you mentioned, they attacked a base, special forces who have claimed loyalty to the operation launched by tha