in the heart of haifa and telavif, they will soon see shur raj from our khanani. in the heart of ifa and telav, soon shuur raj will be watching our reading. hello jaish, messenger of god, do you remember that you are stuck in the parties, your life is declining, you are getting old, you are fighting with the second lion in this battle , you are fighting with the second lion in this battle, your opponent is me, your opponent is me, my way is ready to boil, your opponent is me, your opponent is me, tehrani and ahmi roshan, your opponent is me, my opponent is me, don't listen to me or ali, don't listen to me, or ali, in merak bi ahme we are haydar, we are the attack of haider, we are haider, we are haider, we are maa’il bani fatima , we are haider, we are the family of bani fatima, we are haider, o quds to you, o najwa, o hashd al- shaawi, o kataib hezbollah, o fatemiyoun, o zainabiun, shirran, aba abdullah, o nirivi. qudsi meaning of surah zelzal ruhollah, the time of the battle with sishkar is the right, in the name of god, the time of the battle with the base, o a