all of the things one wants from a telecom company, deutsche telekom are doing. i guess the counter argument to jumping into these markets is -- money is basically free right now. you look at what corporate are able to raise money at, and they are at historic lows. why not expect more from the mma space because money is so cheap? >> in principle i expect we should see more mergers and acquisitions. i wear if merger and acquisition financialis due with territory. the overlay with that is, how much politics is there that will constrain prudent business driven merger and acquisition activity? and, take the united states, which has been an open market where a monet been highly successful -- it has driven value. in europe, the con strengthen controls of mma activity are so much greater. -- the constraints and controls of mma activity are so much greater. .uy: james, thank you speakt, we will exclusively to the ceo of russia's largest bank. we will ask them what is to come for his bank, the russian economy and of course, the price of oil. all of that next here on "on t