with cellular to beny, you -- telephoneny, you divided the city up into little areas. naturally, we engineers had to come up with a new name for that. we called them cells, and it's possible to use one frequency in one cell, and then a few cells over you use is same frequency over and over again. and, of course, when you do that, people do move. that's the whole principle of being portable. you have to hand off. you have to have a continuous conversation as you move from cell to cell. so that is what the fundamentals of cellular telephoneny is, reuse and handoff. >> host: well, marty cooper, robert mcdowell, the commissioner, went on to talk about your theory of spectral efficiency, and what is that theory? >> guest: well, the real issue i i -- has to do with what the size of the spectrum is. you hear a lot of people talk about spectrum is beach front property, there's only so much. well, if you go back, we've been using the radio spectrum for well over 100 years, over 110 years. and when marconi used it, he would transfer bits and every bit took six seconds for one bi