televen militant in disguise it's not easy. to tell the difference by appearance so low. we're. going to let go of it a little bit go out. and sort of see clearly. all across the western world the so-called melting pot is melting down immigration legal and illegal is probably the most contentious and divisive issue energizing voters in germany the government may collapse and trump has made this his signature cause can the status quo be sustained. loeffler zero zero zero the last not even by itself by the end of last month i made a comment about your spouse would hold. yes. i don't. mean. to stand. by. this children's home like many other facilities that we saw in with functions under the direct supervision of the pakistani army it's clear that you've been brought here this is a model children's home perhaps even one of the best in the country but the main even the unique thing about this place is entirely different. whereas you parents. still would you want to. follow them i don't. have any brothers or sisters he was teased. to says. what's with your mother. and my dad. didn't u