cable telision, it took the courts a while to work through this. there are some local programming, there are less special restrictions on a bad programming. direct broadcast satellite is very much the same as cable. there are some set-aside requirements. none of the special restrictions for indecency because of the subscription medium. no affirmative public interest obligations and no decency regulations for the internet. broadcast television, however, is now laboring under the same model articulated by the supreme court decision in 1932. there are affirmative public- interest obligations by virtue of the grant of the license. there are special restrictions on bad programming. statement on that one. whether the picture tube is half full or half empty depends on your perspective. if you look at that technologies on the end, tateenddvd/dvr, broadcast, cable, the intnet. the middle has various levels of communication. what happens in a world of divergence? if we have created different first amendment test, what happens when the media comes together? w