. -- tellicotelecom have limited services. also, federal workers you have the day off tomorrow. rochelle: most kids out of school. we have the scrolling at the bottom of the screen. through it all, we have seen really incredible images of blizzard 2016. came fast andm furious. with that, the blizzard of 2016 was on. skier?ut this downhill lloyd sent in a time lapse taken from her back porch. the brunt of this blizzard has proven to be what it is all about. from zero to 30, as an inches, just like that. finally, a moment in time. this historic storm proved to be the perfect backdrop for the jackson family. ashley jackson sent us these photos, with her husband clinton and two daughters. -- melt, but mail these photos will be a keepsake forever. rochelle: those photos will be used to say i remember when. johnathon: what is going to happen in the middle to late october. picking uple will be things for a nursery. steve: let's take a look at the forecast as we move through the day tomorrow. 47 degrees. on tuesday. 39 on "#wednesday. next weekend, 45-47 degrees. johnathon: we want to