couple of instances where they stand in front ownf broadway studios, and i am clear the street, and i tello them they have to move down the street. w that club on the corner? i tell them they have to leave, and theysay, the guide told us to wait here. i do not understand why would they do that. it is kiof weird.t do >> of the security guard goes june a group of people waiting to get huandto a bus, do people respond to you? >> there are 40 people. the 40 people are drunk, and you have three guards, and after they get in front of our venue, it is not their responsibility anymore, so every time they come down,weve tge them moving. cracks do you know that your abc license says you are responsible for 50 feet in either direction of your club? >> i do understand. that is why we are trying to get them down the street. every time i tried to move, they say, they told us to wait for the bus here. i say, you have to move. >> you are outside working security. >> you do notknow techniquesi? about moving people along the? >> we definitely move people along. we have such close proximity to the club next t