so, obviously the people in telluride can afford to be concerned about their environment, and they ared not a good or a bad thing, not a judgment, but the people in nucla and naturita were extremely frustrated, because they felt like telluride and the opposition to the mill was really slowing down the process in getting the mill built. >> energy fuels and the mill will happen because they have worked diligently in making that process work. >> but the ocess has had a little bit of extra help from some of the people. >> they have kept this mill held up a long time. >> and there's not a job that doesn't have a degree-- >> there's more people killed in skiing accidents than mining accidents. >> am i the only one that's realized that nucla started as a hippicommune that got taken over by miners, and telluride started as a mining community that got taken over by hippies? >> [laughs] >> damon, they don't care. >> i think the biggest thing that i have found is it's ot that they don't re, it's just that they don't understand. you know, we've always been a gooneighbor, and i think in return that