temak gardani is performed in each village according to the dialect and culture of that region. where did the water go? come on people, the revival of this ritual and traditional ceremonies, such as takem-gardani in the villages, will increase life expectancy and enthusiasm. there will be chanting among the rural community and also the revival of these traditions will lead to the development of rural tourism and the economic development of the villages will be followed by the traditional ritual of tekam gerdani in 2013. it was registered in the list of intangible heritage of national works of the country. according to cultural heritage experts, preparations are being made for its global registration. alireza shoukti, sed and sima news agency. the movie "ilya's search for a hero" is a guest of the silver screen of cinemas during nowruz, along with 6 other films. the same game i was waiting for. arash is the hero of the story. and it is one of the four open games in the world. we must look for the hero of this race. only the one who can pass us from this stage enters a strange gam