mesmerized by the movie about a tenacious boxer, an underdog named rocky. >> my dad took me to a drive-in movie when i was 11 years old and we saw "rocky." from that moment forward i just knew it was inside of me way more than i had ever thought before that day. >> you took "rocky" as gospel. >> it is the gospel. first of all, he didn't win. rocky didn't win. people don't really think about that. it's about doing the work. it's about putting everything you have into it. if you just literally do your best at everything, that's really awe you can do. >> reporter: after his near-death experience he wokenewfwi a appreciation formportaious memory of seeing jennifer the first time you came out of the coma? >> i wanted to marry her. that's the truth. we were >> reporter: thea last 2 1/2 weeks. the damage severe. his body had shut off oxygen to his outer limbs to preserve his organs. his hands and feet were starting to necrosis and gangrene setting in. >> what doer hands? >> it feels like somebody's holding a bic lighter underneath my fingertips all day, every day. >> reporter: doctors wanted to