in the private sector you bring a contractor, construction manager, tenant lessee, you bring forth the owner. in this instance, what we're trying to do by legislation, bring all these parties together so we can accomplish the construction of building nsa is failing at. with the president's own words, is the essential for us to maintain our nuclear deterrent. i want to thank the chairman for their support for this nuclear facility and having these two facilities, cmrr and ntf to be undertaken with nocar facilities. >> thank you. i yield back to miss sanchez for five minutes. >> mr. chairman, i am against this amendment number 47. basically, what it's doing is taking away the construction of these defense nuclear facilities currently being designed by the department of energy and nnsa and any future similar facilities to be transferred to dod and that the secretary of defense utilize military construction authority to build these facilities. my colleague, mr. turner suggested that the d.o.d. corps of engineers have expertise building these facilities. in fact, they don't have expertise i