there was a letter i submitted to our fellow tenants to submit, but, unfortunately, they could not make it here in person today. there is also the excessive noise, black music, in general disturbance of the peace. -- excessive noise, loud music, and general disturbance of the peace. they spill out onto the sidewalk and block the sidewalk as well as the entrance to our building. one attendant told me that he was sucker punched upon trying to enter the building. several state tenants told us that they have been called -- several gay tenants told us that they have been called gay slurs. i have called sfpuc many times, as have others, but nothing seems to get done. they are intoxicated, rude, loud, sometimes vomiting. it is like the movie "risky business," but taking place on our sidewalk. i invite you to go to youtube. onn, -- on, they are encouraged to bring their own booze. they have to clean up vomit and ashes, and sometimes, the vomit is purple color, no doubt from the hooka they are smoking. we have tried to work with the owner. he has been rude, as is also documente