another asked why had put longfellow on the level with tennison. like all of them without thinking necessarily to compare them. great variety of literature that appeared to different set of emotions and different set of experiences that he would have at any given time. he liked to have these books so whatever's going on on even in the jungle, he could pull out the book and read to his heart. the variety of his -- i think i skipped ahead. that is an example of the of his reading i admire , "he said tennyson. i do not need to apply a common rule to these poets, like there compare keats with shelley. i enjoy them all. probably one territory of poets which he'd like more than others was war poetry. every man that has had any real power during a battle knows when the wolf rise in his he revels in them, in the toil and pain and danger. as for setting of the triumph. he admired in particular one of epics of european war. of also praises account fighting in longfellow's saga. likes civil r he war poetry, he loves that the powers by walt whitman, braveheart