this week, t there were stories from tensisions erseas to a surprise relaxation of tensions in washingtonghh fotwo leleaders who ver ree on anything to get an agreement impactin spending, b but just a sml one. to break down the newsws of the week, one e of our favorite reporters frfromthe washinington post,"," steven overly, and a well-known p presencnce here and nationwide, former governor r of virginia tim gilmore. welcome to y you bototh. governor, an honor to have you on. you have been quite busy since running the commonwealth. you ran the entire republican party during some busy years. catch h us up on what you are doing? gov. gilmore: i am president and ceo of the freeongress foundation orienteto critical ises facing the u.s. today focused on the need to grow the econy and get more js an was up, and the nanational security issues s and crises. rebebecca: fe congresss a well-known institution that has a lot of i impact on pololicy. let's talk about the news of the week. steven overly, the wall street investors did not know where to look. one minute, inrest rates have them nervous. th