biologist teo chandrika is examining colonies of bumblebees. by weighing their hives you can tell how they are developing. effect line for she knew if it works here we compare different environments where bumble bees are so much for example places of a very poor resources with places that are very rich and then we see what the difference is when the intervening vidoe interstate is. one of the things his studies have shown is that the spread of agricultural deserts huge fields completely lacking in flowering strips are damaging the reproductive cycles of both bumble bees and other wild beasts. less nectar means less nourishment for their own offspring let alone new queen bees. mean you elite in the least. charkha thinks clearing the green strips is as harmful as using chemical pesticides. until recently most people probably didn't even realize that the mortality doesn't only affect honeybees but about five hundred sixty species of while the beans which are really the crucial group they are simply dying out and that's leading to disaster and it t