Jun 10, 2011
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>> claro, esto es cosa de teresa.ide y proteja su matrimonio, para que dure por siempre. >> ayer que mariano mencionÓ a la tal esperanza sentÍ una rabia, no soporto ni oÍr su nombre. >> ya olvÍdate de esa mujer. >> es lo que mÁs quisiera, pero no dejo de pensar en su embarazo. anoche estuve a punto de decÍrselo a rubÉn y preguntarle si ese hijo es suyo. >> no vayas a hacer eso, maira, por favor, ya lo habÍamos hablado. si esa tipa se va lejos, ya no vas a tener problemas. >> sÍ, pero ese hijo podría ser de rubÉn. digo, porque una mujerzuela como esa seguro anduvo con uno y con otro al mismo tiempo. >> bueno, ¿y quÉ pasarÍa si, efectivamente, ese hijo fuera de rubÉn? dime, ¿vas a dejar que lo mantenga y lo cuide, dejarÍas que estuviera cerca de la madre de su hijo? >> no, quÉ horror. >> ademÁs, vas a permitir que el dinero de rubÉn se divida entre tu hija que sÍ es legÍtima y un bastardo. piensa, si el bebÉ de esperanza fuera de rubÉn, esos dos quedarÍan unidos para siempre. aunque no se case con ella, serÍa el padre d
>> claro, esto es cosa de teresa.ide y proteja su matrimonio, para que dure por siempre. >> ayer que mariano mencionÓ a la tal esperanza sentÍ una rabia, no soporto ni oÍr su nombre. >> ya olvÍdate de esa mujer. >> es lo que mÁs quisiera, pero no dejo de pensar en su embarazo. anoche estuve a punto de decÍrselo a rubÉn y preguntarle si ese hijo es suyo. >> no vayas a hacer eso, maira, por favor, ya lo habÍamos hablado. si esa tipa se va lejos, ya no vas a...
Jun 4, 2011
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despuÉs fue su hijo que utilizando una investigaciÓn inicia una nueva investigaciÓn sobre marÍa teresamos. >> por telÉfono el fiador le dijo a univisiÓn, no veÍa ningÚn conflicto en el caso y eric cruz el hijo nos dijo que no podÍa hablar debido a una investigaciÓn interna. sin embargo, despuÉs de esta investigaciÓn la policÍa de la florida dijo que harÁ cambios en el caso. tan pronto el fiscal recibiÓ una peticiÓn por el abogado defensor la discutiÓ con su jefe comenzaron una investigaciÓn, como resultado el caso ha pasado a otro fiscal, el abogado dijo que iba a retirar la mociÓn contra la fiscalÍa. marÍa teresa sigue esperando con la convicciÓn de que el sistema de justicia del cual era parte, le fallÓ. >> una traiciÓn venir a darme cuenta que el fiscal tenÍa un interÉs que yo fuera hundida. >> en miami, ricardo, univisiÓn. >> hasta este momento la fiscalÍa no ha realizado los cambios que esta tarde dijo que harÍa, hace unos momentos hablamos con el abogado de la defensa y dijo que no retirarÍa la demanda en contra del estado hasta que tambiÉn el fiscal, en este caso. ya son tres lo
despuÉs fue su hijo que utilizando una investigaciÓn inicia una nueva investigaciÓn sobre marÍa teresamos. >> por telÉfono el fiador le dijo a univisiÓn, no veÍa ningÚn conflicto en el caso y eric cruz el hijo nos dijo que no podÍa hablar debido a una investigaciÓn interna. sin embargo, despuÉs de esta investigaciÓn la policÍa de la florida dijo que harÁ cambios en el caso. tan pronto el fiscal recibiÓ una peticiÓn por el abogado defensor la discutiÓ con su jefe...
Jun 3, 2011
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--ademas....kate del castillo...entrevista a la misma teresa mendoza...."les de donde ver eso con nancy leal en acceso total... take pkg les tengo malas noticias a todos aquellos que se morian por ver a aracely arambula como dios la trajo al mundo...la queridisima chule dijo que por ahora no aceptara la jugosa propuesta de posar para la portada de la conocida revista para caballeros playboy...la chule dijo que ahorita prefiere concentrarse en su carrera como actriz ya que proximamente podria regresar a la pantalla chica...asi que para los que se quedaron con las ganas...cabell eroa tendran que esperar... gabriel porras "en esta casa de al lado vive gente bien loca...y me da mucha curiosidad saber que es lo que hacen alla adentro cuando cierran la puerta...a mi se me hace que hacen cosas que no estan del todo legal..." gabriel porras no es el nico que se muere de curiosidad por descubrir el misterio que guardan los vecinos de la casa de al lado...no se la pierdan en su semana de estreno de lunes a viernes a las 10-9 centro...solo por telemundo kate del casti
--ademas....kate del castillo...entrevista a la misma teresa mendoza...."les de donde ver eso con nancy leal en acceso total... take pkg les tengo malas noticias a todos aquellos que se morian por ver a aracely arambula como dios la trajo al mundo...la queridisima chule dijo que por ahora no aceptara la jugosa propuesta de posar para la portada de la conocida revista para caballeros playboy...la chule dijo que ahorita prefiere concentrarse en su carrera como actriz ya que proximamente...
Jun 17, 2011
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>> me da miedo, teresa! [risas] >> esa hembra es mala. mamÁ creo que... bueno, es muy importante que le digas al niÑo que Él puede hacer lo que quiera y que va a poder alcanzar lo que Él quiera alcanzar. y sin tÚ presionarlo, eso es muy importante porque si tÚ le dices: ella quiere ser bailarina, y todo lo que le digas a un niÑo de 5 o 6 aÑos le va a quedar en la mente y se va a sentir presionado. y si quiere las zapatillas de ballet y tÚ vas y las compras y no empujarlos. >> dicen que debemos de enseÑarles a dibujar y pintar y armar cajas con colores y papel para que tengan ahÍ como su rincÓn de creatividad y tambiÉn la parte motora con los deportes pero por lo general las personas que trabajan en la televisiÓn tambiÉn tienen hijos que se quieren dedicar a eso. >> y los que son doctores y que tambiÉn son doctores, tu figura de papÁ y mamá son muy fuertes. >> victoria le gusta la televisiÓn? >> no, sabes quÉ, frente a las cÁmaras no le gusta nada. pero le gusta mucho leer cuentos y aprenderse los cuentos y dramatiza lo que estÁ leyendo y
>> me da miedo, teresa! [risas] >> esa hembra es mala. mamÁ creo que... bueno, es muy importante que le digas al niÑo que Él puede hacer lo que quiera y que va a poder alcanzar lo que Él quiera alcanzar. y sin tÚ presionarlo, eso es muy importante porque si tÚ le dices: ella quiere ser bailarina, y todo lo que le digas a un niÑo de 5 o 6 aÑos le va a quedar en la mente y se va a sentir presionado. y si quiere las zapatillas de ballet y tÚ vas y las compras y no empujarlos....
Jun 28, 2011
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---ahora nos acompaÑa en directo la doctora teresa zapata quien nos hablara sobre este tema.y gracias por acompaÑarnos doctora zapata. ---como afecta a los niÑos este tipo de video juegos? ---el papa tan sencillo como prohibirle el juego en casa, pero como estar al tanto de lo que hacen en casa del amiguito? ---como debe de decirle el take weather cam in plasma cu ---gracias a la doctora zapata y ahora ariel rodriguez tiene el pronostico del tiempo.. roll open roll open take pkg muchas gracias a traves de toda nuestra zona vimos algo de nubosidad en el transcurso de la maÑana basicamente afectando todo el sector costero parte norte de la bahia, nublado en el dia de hoy mientras qua a traves del sector sur sigue la nubosidad a traves de la costa en el interior nos despejamos las temperaturas llegaron al rango de los 70 y para los prximos dias veremos cambios radicales en el tiempo, primeor va a bajr mucho la temperatura y todo tiene que ver con un sistema de nos vamos a la seguna pausa, pero cuando regresemos... nat sound ---enterese que fue lo que causo la detencin de la chic
---ahora nos acompaÑa en directo la doctora teresa zapata quien nos hablara sobre este tema.y gracias por acompaÑarnos doctora zapata. ---como afecta a los niÑos este tipo de video juegos? ---el papa tan sencillo como prohibirle el juego en casa, pero como estar al tanto de lo que hacen en casa del amiguito? ---como debe de decirle el take weather cam in plasma cu ---gracias a la doctora zapata y ahora ariel rodriguez tiene el pronostico del tiempo.. roll open roll open take pkg muchas...
Jun 22, 2011
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teresa estacio with kron4 news. >> gov. jerry brown v told the budget passed by the legislature last week, he had this to say about the state comptroller's decision. >> the controller has made his determination we should all work together to pass a solid budget. now kimberlee sakamoto has a look at what our viewers to think about the comptroller's decision to pull the lawmakers' pay. >> the majority not only like this decision, they are loving it. here are a few of the comments from our facebook fan page. one writes, that is there, they should not get paid until the budget is passed. we did not do our jobs, we would not get paid as a matter of fact, we will be fired. another person says let them know what it feels like to go without pay, because they cannot figure it out. we might as well make it fair all around. another person writes, it is now for congress to pull their heads out of their you know where and work for us. now you can read all about the budget battle, and let us know what you think. >> new at 5:00 p.m., at 5
teresa estacio with kron4 news. >> gov. jerry brown v told the budget passed by the legislature last week, he had this to say about the state comptroller's decision. >> the controller has made his determination we should all work together to pass a solid budget. now kimberlee sakamoto has a look at what our viewers to think about the comptroller's decision to pull the lawmakers' pay. >> the majority not only like this decision, they are loving it. here are a few of the...
Jun 11, 2011
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. >> dirigir una orquesta en la sala de concierto mÁs importante del paÍs el teatro teresa carreÑo, unuy enojado porque no le dan la informaciÓn que quiere y un cantante que casi no habla de polÍtica hablando de política, este es un adelanto. ♪ >> este domingo en alta punto el senador quiere saber que no autorizÓ el paso de armas norteamericanas a narcos. >> ha resultado ser una polÍtica muy mala, quien haya tomado esta decisiÓn debe ser despedido. >> el prÓximo presidente de guatemala... >> para frenarla ahora la violencia... >> humala dice que no serÁ el hugo chÁvez de perÚ. >> para mÍ lo importante no es el color del gato, sino quÉ clase de ratÓn. >> franco de vita nos habla de la venezuela que dejÓ y ya no es. >> hay muchÍsimo terror, y lo escribo en una canciÓn... >> todo en al punto. >> este domingo a las 10 de la maÑana o las 9 si vive en el centro del paÍs. y gracias por haber estado con nosotros, en nombre de todas las personas que hacen este noticiero, y varios detrÁs de mÍ, y letras de cÁmara, gracias por haber confiado en un univisiÓn. ♪ >> para estar al tanto del acontecer
. >> dirigir una orquesta en la sala de concierto mÁs importante del paÍs el teatro teresa carreÑo, unuy enojado porque no le dan la informaciÓn que quiere y un cantante que casi no habla de polÍtica hablando de política, este es un adelanto. ♪ >> este domingo en alta punto el senador quiere saber que no autorizÓ el paso de armas norteamericanas a narcos. >> ha resultado ser una polÍtica muy mala, quien haya tomado esta decisiÓn debe ser despedido. >> el...
Jun 22, 2011
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teresa estacio kron4 news. >> gov. jerry brown vetoed the budget passed by the legislature last week. he had this to say about today's decision about the state comptroller. the comptroller has made its determination, we should all work together to pass a solid budget. the reaction from the people of california has been much more passionate. dan curry continues our team coverage with that part of the story. >> as far as the people, the kron4 facebook page has been overwhelmed with those weapons will with what the comptroller did. the facebook page has been on fire since riposted worth at the state comptroller stopped paying the law makers because the budget that the past was not balanced. nearly 100 people say they like the idea. no budget, no pay. chris writes, excellent. another says that is fair. jeff says that they should refund the payback to the taxpayer. joseph says i am as guilty as a kid on christmas. >> i understand some of the voters. >> we printed out the post and show them to the senator and he says he unde
teresa estacio kron4 news. >> gov. jerry brown vetoed the budget passed by the legislature last week. he had this to say about today's decision about the state comptroller. the comptroller has made its determination, we should all work together to pass a solid budget. the reaction from the people of california has been much more passionate. dan curry continues our team coverage with that part of the story. >> as far as the people, the kron4 facebook page has been overwhelmed with...
Jun 2, 2011
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teresa, kron4 news. >> of the city trying to mandate it him to approve the budget by july 1st.visor commented on how the process was a lot different in the past. >> this is my third budget process since i got elected supervisor, this is the first time that the mayor has actually since i became a supervisor that the mayor has actually come to the chambers to present the budget and i think that was a very important symbolic step. i think that is reflective of the kind of process that has been filed so far. which has been a process that has been a very inclusive of the board of supervisors. but beyond that, very inclusive of the community of all of those in san francisco. so we need to give the mayor credit for that. >> other supervisors applauded his efforts and said they look forward to working with him. in other news around the bay, the police are looking for the driver of a white acura. the driver hit a car that was parked on the shoulder, the car spun out of control crashed into another car and then a big reagan, then they said the driver ran away from the scene. since franci
teresa, kron4 news. >> of the city trying to mandate it him to approve the budget by july 1st.visor commented on how the process was a lot different in the past. >> this is my third budget process since i got elected supervisor, this is the first time that the mayor has actually since i became a supervisor that the mayor has actually come to the chambers to present the budget and i think that was a very important symbolic step. i think that is reflective of the kind of process that...
Jun 21, 2011
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the sculpture is already half built and will showcase a variety of figures like mother teresa, helen keller and 20 other humanitarian who's overcame personal challenges to make a difference in the world. >> they represent all cultures. from around the world, people that have in cases had difficult times in their lives but recovered and came out to do something very special. >> once finished it will be 52 feet wide, standing 21 feet tall and will be unveiled in a park next december. september, rather. >> some people donate extra food to food bank buzz not often they donate a building. this ceo donated, get this, a 75,000 square foot building that the company no longer needs donated to the second harvest food bank. the food bank accept that had building today. the food bank estimates this will allow to it serve 18 million extra meals every day. >> the day i got the phone call from tj saying i might have a building i can share with you, or maybe donate to the food bank was an astounding day. >> it's sad need is there for this but someone donated and its wonderful. the food bank plans to
the sculpture is already half built and will showcase a variety of figures like mother teresa, helen keller and 20 other humanitarian who's overcame personal challenges to make a difference in the world. >> they represent all cultures. from around the world, people that have in cases had difficult times in their lives but recovered and came out to do something very special. >> once finished it will be 52 feet wide, standing 21 feet tall and will be unveiled in a park next december....
SFGTV2: San Francisco Government Television
Jun 15, 2011
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. >> hello, my name is teresa, and i work with an organization that does environmental justice, and iwith the youth program. josÉ was also my mentor when i was working as a youth organizer in the mission, and through the years, josÉ has developed numerous relationships with various organizations, bringing resources. i can attest to that because josÉ has helped me recoup and numerous amount of young people who have done tremendous work here in san francisco for environmental justice, who have been awarded by the supervisors. they have received commendations. you guys are listening to us because we are sharing our hearts about jose. he needs to stay in our neighborhood to continue building the leadership of our young people -- i know it is a long day, and to continue building our education. please keep him at john o'connell. he is a great resource. >> good evening, my name is -- and i am here to support the community, and i want to bring you some history of josÉ. he is an immigrant, came from mexico, and he has lived the struggle of being an immigrant and being able to understand and to
. >> hello, my name is teresa, and i work with an organization that does environmental justice, and iwith the youth program. josÉ was also my mentor when i was working as a youth organizer in the mission, and through the years, josÉ has developed numerous relationships with various organizations, bringing resources. i can attest to that because josÉ has helped me recoup and numerous amount of young people who have done tremendous work here in san francisco for environmental justice,...
Jun 21, 2011
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teresa tello/ventanilla de salud de san francisco 9:24 aqui acuden personas de 12 condados entonces nosotrosnformacion de las clinicas comunitarias donde los pueden atender 9:35 pilar nino 31:30 aqui en la ventanilla de salud incluso le pueden dar informacion sobre como usted desde aqui puede ayudar a sus seres queridos en mexico a tener cobertura de salud. 31:38 15:49 ademas hemos incorporado la afiliacion al seguro popular en las ventanillas de salud para que los migrantes que llegan aca, puedan afiliar a sus familias que se quedan en mexico, y queden afiliados ellos mismos el secretario de salud tambien agrego que cuando un mexicano esta gravemente enfermo aqui, puede ser repatriado a un hospital de mexico con asistencia del gobierno en solo quince dias, y no un mes como antes....y que ademas planean nuevos beneficios para los inmigrantes aqui. 19:31 estamos promoviendo el que puedan tener una tarjeta de descuento para la compra de medicamentos, el que puedan tener una tarjeta para tener una orientacion telefonica 19:41 pilar nino telemundo take deko blanca ---para mayores informes sobre
teresa tello/ventanilla de salud de san francisco 9:24 aqui acuden personas de 12 condados entonces nosotrosnformacion de las clinicas comunitarias donde los pueden atender 9:35 pilar nino 31:30 aqui en la ventanilla de salud incluso le pueden dar informacion sobre como usted desde aqui puede ayudar a sus seres queridos en mexico a tener cobertura de salud. 31:38 15:49 ademas hemos incorporado la afiliacion al seguro popular en las ventanillas de salud para que los migrantes que llegan aca,...
Jun 11, 2011
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he was like mother teresa with a siren. ♪ ♪ free access to chase atm's wherever you are.t's a step forward. chase customers can avoid atm fees with over 16,000 nationwide. take a step forward and chase what matters. >>> this week has been the most difficult time in my career. but these guys make it so much easier because we're covered. >>> those guys are 150 firefighters from across the bay area filling in today to allow san francisco firefighters to attend the funeral. at the start of the shift, san francisco fire officials briefed the stand in crews on the dangers and nuances of battling fire in the city. one fire station needed the help more than others. ken pritchett is live at station 26 where the out of town crews were quickly called out this morning. ken-- >> reporter: frank, this is the fire station of the fallen firefighters. it has remained closed all day but every other fire station in the city has remained open. however half of the firefighters at those stations are firefighters from outside the city limits and today they had work to do. >> shortly after the f
he was like mother teresa with a siren. ♪ ♪ free access to chase atm's wherever you are.t's a step forward. chase customers can avoid atm fees with over 16,000 nationwide. take a step forward and chase what matters. >>> this week has been the most difficult time in my career. but these guys make it so much easier because we're covered. >>> those guys are 150 firefighters from across the bay area filling in today to allow san francisco firefighters to attend the funeral. at...
Jun 26, 2011
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. >> to be a senior at santa teresa. what's next after that? >> hopefully attend a four-year college. i haven't gotten figured out in what i want to do. i want to pursue something in writing, but not 100 percent sure. nothing set in stone yet. >> maybe the next movie writer here. he won the nbc education nation essay writing contest. congratulations once again. logon to the website. a great website, and al loss you you to see if there is anything you can do or write to contribute at any point to what's happening there at your school. it is educationnation.org. up next on "communidad del e,"ti valle," restoring trust in our real estate agents. stay with us. ♪ [ ukulele strumming ] ♪ [ folksy whistling ] [ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose. it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ] >>> the national hispanic organization of real estate associates has a reputation to build a bond, a reputation to mend with real estate professionals all over the country. here to
. >> to be a senior at santa teresa. what's next after that? >> hopefully attend a four-year college. i haven't gotten figured out in what i want to do. i want to pursue something in writing, but not 100 percent sure. nothing set in stone yet. >> maybe the next movie writer here. he won the nbc education nation essay writing contest. congratulations once again. logon to the website. a great website, and al loss you you to see if there is anything you can do or write to...
Jun 5, 2011
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. >> you'll be a senior at santa teresa. what's next after that? >> i will hopefully attend a four-year college. i haven't got then everything figured out in what i want to do. i want to pursue something in writing but i'm not 100% sure. nothing set in stone yet. >> maybe the next steven spielberg, he won the nbc education nation essay writing contest. congratulations. >> thank you. >> logon to the website. it's a great website and allows to you see if there's anything you can do or write to contribute at any point to what's happening there at your school. it is educationnation.org. and up next for "comunidad del valle" r stal eagriate entsn our i real estage .ents. >>> the national hispanic organization of real estate associates the has to build reputation all over the country. here to do that are the members of nora, jim takes care of the local efforts here in the silicon valley. with us is richard gonzalez, who is the past national president. how to get out of the building crisis and rebuild the reputation on real estate professionals. welcome t
. >> you'll be a senior at santa teresa. what's next after that? >> i will hopefully attend a four-year college. i haven't got then everything figured out in what i want to do. i want to pursue something in writing but i'm not 100% sure. nothing set in stone yet. >> maybe the next steven spielberg, he won the nbc education nation essay writing contest. congratulations. >> thank you. >> logon to the website. it's a great website and allows to you see if there's...
Jun 10, 2011
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he was like mother teresa with a siren. >> reporter: while they were quite different in personality, they were both deeply committed to their work and to their families, both by blood and their fire fighting family. >> they gave their all, and they gave it for all of us. >> reporter: the service lasted well over two and a half hours. as you can see now, the caskets are being brought out of the church. they will be taken to the accept try, holy cross cemetery in colma where they will be laid to rest. neither firefighter had children, but are survived by family, including numerous nephews, nieces, and a lot of friends, many who spoke at the funeral. >>> and this just into bay area newsroom. contra costa fire company is responding to an incident in a parking lot. temperatures in pittsburgh today were in the mid 70s, and can easily soar to 100 degrees in a car parked in the son. we will have more on that situation as soon as we get it. >>> an emotional day for the family of a murdered three month old baby as they laid him to rest today. tears flowed today in men low park. he was killed w
he was like mother teresa with a siren. >> reporter: while they were quite different in personality, they were both deeply committed to their work and to their families, both by blood and their fire fighting family. >> they gave their all, and they gave it for all of us. >> reporter: the service lasted well over two and a half hours. as you can see now, the caskets are being brought out of the church. they will be taken to the accept try, holy cross cemetery in colma where...
Jun 27, 2011
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sant teresa, 84 tomorrow, mountainview near 80, 84 in san jose, 79 in fremont.i do think right around the bay tomorrow it will be a touch warmer than what you saw today. 70 in richmond, 65 half moon bay, low clouds give way by lit's say 10:30 or 11:00 a.m., 85 pittsburg, around the russian river you should see low 70s, bodega bay, 62. here's the extended forecast, let's step through it. very unusual way to finish off june. we're looking for showers again spreading north to south, and into tuesday afternoon there are indications enough instability could move through to warrant a couple of thunderstorms. really interesting weather. and then on wednesday we'll clear things out, still a sprinkle or two in the east bay. and then the roller coaster ride begins. look at this! the holiday weekend is going to be cooking, i think. through saturday and sunday, highs approaching 100 degrees and very nice it at the coast. >> oh, wow. >> but tuesday, wednesday we'll move back a month or two. >> that is just so weird. >> i know. >> thanks, nick. >>> let's check in with scott r
sant teresa, 84 tomorrow, mountainview near 80, 84 in san jose, 79 in fremont.i do think right around the bay tomorrow it will be a touch warmer than what you saw today. 70 in richmond, 65 half moon bay, low clouds give way by lit's say 10:30 or 11:00 a.m., 85 pittsburg, around the russian river you should see low 70s, bodega bay, 62. here's the extended forecast, let's step through it. very unusual way to finish off june. we're looking for showers again spreading north to south, and into...
Jun 17, 2011
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she is a sort of mother teresa and has been praised by the dalai lama for work. >> in mexico, migrants are kidnapped and murdered. i tell everyone from guatemala and el salvador that they need to be careful. >> an estimated 400,000 migrants across mexico each year in buses, on foot, on freight trains. they often encounter corrupt police officers and criminal gangs. >> there are organized gangs in mexico that target people like us. there is danger lurking everywhere. it makes you very nervous. >> her refuge is called the home of the good shepherd jesus christ. she provides a bed, a warm meal, and medical tree been free of charge. for visitors, this is a welcome safe haven. police have come to this ranch where abducted migrants were discovered. those it cannot pay ransom are beaten. she tries to help the victims. >> i often feel if i have been completely abandoned by my own compatriots. i hard to get any help. >> this is home to latin america's biggest deportation prison. she gives advice to the migrants. she has become highly critical of her home country, mexico. >> that there's definit
she is a sort of mother teresa and has been praised by the dalai lama for work. >> in mexico, migrants are kidnapped and murdered. i tell everyone from guatemala and el salvador that they need to be careful. >> an estimated 400,000 migrants across mexico each year in buses, on foot, on freight trains. they often encounter corrupt police officers and criminal gangs. >> there are organized gangs in mexico that target people like us. there is danger lurking everywhere. it makes...
Jun 21, 2011
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you are looking at section number 2 and section # consists of roosevelt in his wheelchair, mother teresa >> reporter: they will be unveiled september 6th. the message is resolving conflict. >> bringing everyone to the conversation is what this is about. >> sponsors and officials add dignitaries are celebrating because oakland is home to the project. that's correct vision, that tenacity. that's within news the city. >> it is set to be finished early next year. in oakland. >>> you can learn more about the remember them project. there is a section on ktvu and looks at vision and heroes being honored. >> food bank accepted a gift to feed more hungry people. there was a nine billion dollars building to the second harvest food bank t says the new facility will help them provide extra meals to people. it has been donating to second harvest for 20 years. >> when you work every day and technology is your life. you can not it right. they bring an opportunity to us to give money to give food. >> it will use it as a volunteer sorting center. >> part of the great highway is closed and it will not reo
you are looking at section number 2 and section # consists of roosevelt in his wheelchair, mother teresa >> reporter: they will be unveiled september 6th. the message is resolving conflict. >> bringing everyone to the conversation is what this is about. >> sponsors and officials add dignitaries are celebrating because oakland is home to the project. that's correct vision, that tenacity. that's within news the city. >> it is set to be finished early next year. in oakland....
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jun 6, 2011
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behalf of the panel, which includes myself, kevin daniher, laurie bernstein with goodwill industries, teresa, and elliott hoffman with true market solutions , inc. thank you. [applause] >> and last, but not least, we have our representatives from the business advisory panel, christina page with yahoo and melissa. [applause] >> good afternoon, mayor lee. we were asked to just comment very briefly before sending our letter on the experience that companies had in the advisory panel. on behalf of yahoo, in addition to finding this dialogue both inspiring and thought provoking, it doesn't sound very reassuring because we discovered that the stea's climate action plan shares a lot of the beliefs that we have in constructing our corporate environmental strategy about how you attack this proper of climate change. the first is, how urgent is this problem? the action on climate change is not a good business strategy. inaction on this issue is going to be very costly to businesses and society. by taking a stand, by saying we're going to get to 25% reduction by 2017 on community greenhouse gas emissions
behalf of the panel, which includes myself, kevin daniher, laurie bernstein with goodwill industries, teresa, and elliott hoffman with true market solutions , inc. thank you. [applause] >> and last, but not least, we have our representatives from the business advisory panel, christina page with yahoo and melissa. [applause] >> good afternoon, mayor lee. we were asked to just comment very briefly before sending our letter on the experience that companies had in the advisory panel. on...
Jun 13, 2011
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teresa broughten with the uc davis children's hospital was not very optimistic at first. >> when we foundout that it was rabies, we knew that was very critical. and in contacting our other specialists arn the nation, we found out the mortality rate was probably 95 to 98%. >> i can't do that because of my foot. >> while in the pediatric intensive care unit, it proved to be a rare recovery. >> she progressed quickly and we're able to get the breathing tube out and eat on her own and sat up and started to talk and we got to see her smile. >> feeling very good. >> going from nothing to no movement to running, you know, it is indescribable. >> she is a fighter on the mat. and a fighter in life. this spunky energetic little girl seems to understand that life with her and her family is simply precious. >> i'm happy to be doing this. >> and such a cutie. doctors say precious should be going home very soon and the chance of relapse is very minimal. >>> it could be a secret ingredient in fighting alzheimer's. >> the fight shown to dramatically delay the disease. ,,,,,,,, i work at the cable company
teresa broughten with the uc davis children's hospital was not very optimistic at first. >> when we foundout that it was rabies, we knew that was very critical. and in contacting our other specialists arn the nation, we found out the mortality rate was probably 95 to 98%. >> i can't do that because of my foot. >> while in the pediatric intensive care unit, it proved to be a rare recovery. >> she progressed quickly and we're able to get the breathing tube out and eat on...
Jun 2, 2011
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what's worse, says teresa, is that in these already tough economic times, some women now have to deal with another financial problem. >> the complications of trying to get your funds back, it's a hassle that nobody wants to deal with. >> reporter: that's absolutely right. frank, keep in mind, this isn't any ordinary pocket picker. he has hit his victims with tens of thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges on the credit cards and is robbing victims throughout the city. san francisco police department says anybody with information should give them a call. reporting live in san francisco, anser hussein, cbs 5. >> the thing to do is just hold onto the purse, certainly not on the back of the chair or you'll be in trouble. thank you, anser hussein live in san francisco. >>> a wild scene on a southern california freeway in san diego. a wrong-way driver leading police on a dangerous chase yesterday started when cops tried to stop a stolen vehicle that was speeding. instead, the driver just took off. and at times, the driver was going over 100 miles an hour. eventually he ran away out of th
what's worse, says teresa, is that in these already tough economic times, some women now have to deal with another financial problem. >> the complications of trying to get your funds back, it's a hassle that nobody wants to deal with. >> reporter: that's absolutely right. frank, keep in mind, this isn't any ordinary pocket picker. he has hit his victims with tens of thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges on the credit cards and is robbing victims throughout the city. san...
Jun 27, 2011
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temperatures are very similar to what we saw today, upper 70s to low and mid-80s for inland valleys, santa teresa79 in fremont. still have that sea breeze moving through the gate and across to alameda and oakland. going to see 70s, 68 san francisco, 85 and into the delta. mid-80s, summer-like day on monday. late in the day, clouds are going to increase a bit. bodega bay, 62, 84 santa rosa, 84 lake port. here is that extended forecast. i said roller coaster ride, check this out. i think the north bay on tuesday won't get out of the mid-60s with rain showers and the possibility of a thunderstorm. wednesday showers may stieg in through the east bay valleys i think until midday. them we heat things up. the holiday "weekend now." >> look at that, july 4th. >> maybe near the century mark heat returns. >> all right. thank you, nick. >>> still to come at 6:00, an update from the news conference that wrapped up with federal investigators regarding the deadly train crash near reno and the truck data recorders. we have new information on that. plus -- >> i'm scott budman alongside a giant silicon valley rob
temperatures are very similar to what we saw today, upper 70s to low and mid-80s for inland valleys, santa teresa79 in fremont. still have that sea breeze moving through the gate and across to alameda and oakland. going to see 70s, 68 san francisco, 85 and into the delta. mid-80s, summer-like day on monday. late in the day, clouds are going to increase a bit. bodega bay, 62, 84 santa rosa, 84 lake port. here is that extended forecast. i said roller coaster ride, check this out. i think the...
Jun 30, 2011
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people like david and teresa corffee and their three children. after they lost their jobs, the corffees counted themselves lucky to move out of their minivan... >> george climbed up here on the backseat. >> reporter: ...and into a motel. but here 12-year-old destiny has worried. >> what's the neighborhood like around the motel? >> scary. >> pelley: what do you mean? >> like, you hear on the news all the time about, like, shootings and it's all right there. >> reporter: the day after the fire at the vacation lodge motel, friends collected backs full of cloths and toys for jonathan and his family. he works part time to help make ends meet and saved enough to buy an a lap top computer for school. it, along with all the his school books and his work uniform are now gone. >> just trying to push it out, not think about it? you try. that's about all you can do is try and mope for the best. i mean, you can't really do anything else after that. >> reporter: they'll start over in yet another hotel like hundreds of families on the road to disney world. two
people like david and teresa corffee and their three children. after they lost their jobs, the corffees counted themselves lucky to move out of their minivan... >> george climbed up here on the backseat. >> reporter: ...and into a motel. but here 12-year-old destiny has worried. >> what's the neighborhood like around the motel? >> scary. >> pelley: what do you mean? >> like, you hear on the news all the time about, like, shootings and it's all right there....
Jun 14, 2011
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in san francisco, teresa estacio, kron 4 news.police officer, in the fatal shooting of oscar grant is out on parole. johannes meserle walked out of the twin towers jilted day after midnight. the attorney says that precautions were taken because there were too many safety concerns to let the client does walk out. johannes meserle serve his time in los angeles after his attention-getting trial was moved to southern california. joining us next, michael cardoza. michael, let us talk about the release. >> shore. >>pam: is that unusual? shore. >> sure--let us talk about it. think about it, and with protesters could have gotten ugly. certainly the sheriff's office does not want that to happen. so, they let him out. there were other jails and other districts but they did it, successfully. and i think as well, they should. they did not want any problems. >>pam: is their concern for his safety? >> of course, absolutely look at what is going on the protests, some people that of spoken out. say that there is in just as we all know that there'
in san francisco, teresa estacio, kron 4 news.police officer, in the fatal shooting of oscar grant is out on parole. johannes meserle walked out of the twin towers jilted day after midnight. the attorney says that precautions were taken because there were too many safety concerns to let the client does walk out. johannes meserle serve his time in los angeles after his attention-getting trial was moved to southern california. joining us next, michael cardoza. michael, let us talk about the...
Jun 11, 2011
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he was like mother teresa with a siren. [ laughter ] >> we volunteered at the haight- ashbury free clinicon the overdose team so we could get into rock concerts for free. ♪ [ music ] >> make no mistake, these men are gladiators. they fight fire, one of the most powerful forces created by god to save lives. to my brother, now you are free. i will see you again. but not yet. not yet. [ bell tolls ] >> reporter: after the 2.5-hour service, perez and valerio were placed back on the fire trucks for their final ride. the funeral procession to holy cross cemetery included some 50 fire trucks. together, they slowly made their way from the church to market street through the mission and on to i280 where the chp has closed down all southbound lanes from san francisco to serramonte. major delays in traffic all over the city and the freeways. and for more on that let's switch to elizabeth wenger in the traffic center. elizabeth. >> yes, thank you, linda. that's right. here's live picture right now current conditions near the 280 on 101 interchange. these are live pictures from chopper 5. looks like t
he was like mother teresa with a siren. [ laughter ] >> we volunteered at the haight- ashbury free clinicon the overdose team so we could get into rock concerts for free. ♪ [ music ] >> make no mistake, these men are gladiators. they fight fire, one of the most powerful forces created by god to save lives. to my brother, now you are free. i will see you again. but not yet. not yet. [ bell tolls ] >> reporter: after the 2.5-hour service, perez and valerio were placed back on...
Jun 27, 2011
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about 86 in morgan hill. 84, santa teresa. upper 70s, low 80s, still looking at that onshore wind flow. readings around oakland, a little cooler. mid to upper 80s in the delta. very similar conditions through the napa valley. 84, santa rosa. 80 in san rafael. again, a degree or two different than what you saw today. very, very similar conditions. so tuesday is interesting. rain, maybe the rumble of thunder in the afternoon. the showers move east for wednesday. then check this out. by the end of the week -- >> my goodness. >> we are cooking. i upgraded the extended forecast. the holiday weekend, we could see triple digit readings. friday, saturday, sunday, very, very warm conditions. and through next week, a little cooler. >>> still ahead at 11:00, the cheapest gas stations in your area. plus -- >> good evening. coming up on sports sunday, we go behind the scenes at knbr and we talk with the razor. ralph barberiery. plus, plus, i treheim to tk al abou the warriors and the nba draft. that and so much more coming up on sports sun
about 86 in morgan hill. 84, santa teresa. upper 70s, low 80s, still looking at that onshore wind flow. readings around oakland, a little cooler. mid to upper 80s in the delta. very similar conditions through the napa valley. 84, santa rosa. 80 in san rafael. again, a degree or two different than what you saw today. very, very similar conditions. so tuesday is interesting. rain, maybe the rumble of thunder in the afternoon. the showers move east for wednesday. then check this out. by the end of...
Jun 9, 2011
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. >> many paintings i paint, like mother teresa, i never paint the face. i got all the affection of mother in the cradle i would have been a different man. that's something i'm missing the >> he said he worked every day for the past 80 years. he began his career painting sin eam billboards but went on to be known as the indian pick asa -- pits ack -- picasso. his life changed in the 1990's when hindu hard-liners became more powerful. some objected to his depictions of hindu goddesses. husain, a muslim, received death threats and decided to leave india, something many regret to this day. >> he doesn't believe in the religion. that's why i feel he was landlords -- always a very good human being who wanted to promote indian art. he was doing so much about hindu mythology. his contributions, he's really a great man, no doubt at all the >> as well as painting, he also directed several films. when asked what he wanted to do next, he said he just wanted to keep on working. >> just go on working. that is sufficient. and i take life as a celebration. >> among the t
. >> many paintings i paint, like mother teresa, i never paint the face. i got all the affection of mother in the cradle i would have been a different man. that's something i'm missing the >> he said he worked every day for the past 80 years. he began his career painting sin eam billboards but went on to be known as the indian pick asa -- pits ack -- picasso. his life changed in the 1990's when hindu hard-liners became more powerful. some objected to his depictions of hindu...
Jun 12, 2011
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santa teresa, about 75. 68 in fremont. 73 palo alto. pacifica still got that strong on-shore flow.0. san francisco pretty much the same thing as you saw today, upper 50s to lower 60s. 76 fairfield. pittsburg, 70 degrees. again, a little warmer than today inland and not quite as windy. and then into the north bay. santa rosa, low to mid-70s. we really start to warm things up by monday. that's when we see the 80s back on the map. >> yea! >> yeah. warmest day of the workweek, i think, is going to be tuesday. wednesday, thursday, just a touch of cooling. and yes, the father's day weekend, we decided it's not just sunday. it's all the way through friday afternoon. >> i didn't decide that. you did apparently. >> maybe low 90s by next weekend. it's a long ways off, but we'll watch. >>> still to come from cute to creepy, we'll show you how two plumbers managed to rescue a little kitten from a well. >>> plus, the new exhibit at the san francisco zoo featuring all things tarantula. man: everybody knows you should save for retirement, but what happens when you're about to retire? woman: how d
santa teresa, about 75. 68 in fremont. 73 palo alto. pacifica still got that strong on-shore flow.0. san francisco pretty much the same thing as you saw today, upper 50s to lower 60s. 76 fairfield. pittsburg, 70 degrees. again, a little warmer than today inland and not quite as windy. and then into the north bay. santa rosa, low to mid-70s. we really start to warm things up by monday. that's when we see the 80s back on the map. >> yea! >> yeah. warmest day of the workweek, i think,...
Jun 12, 2011
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temperatures tomorrow inland i think are going to warm a couple degrees. 75 santa teresa. upper 60s to about 70 santa cruz. not a lot of change along the peninsula. moraga, 73. 71 in benicia. north bay, we're looking for readings in the upper 70s for you. napa and fairfield. 68 degrees. tomorrow in calistoga, 77. wine country looks beautiful. a few more morning clouds, then sunshine. here's the extended forecast. let's spend a moment or two contemplating how long it's been since we've seen readings in the mid to upper 80s. it has been about eight months. yeah. >> there was one day in february. >> that's right. that's right. in fact, i was doing the weather. i remember. >> were you? >> exactly. >> i had friends doing a pool party that day. and i was here doing work with you. >> i'm sorry. this time i think you'll get a chance to enjoy. now, we're looking at a little cooling into wednesday and thursday. weak system moves through. brings in that stratus, that low cloudiness for the mornings. we go all the way down to the upper 70s for the warmer spots. then for father's day w
temperatures tomorrow inland i think are going to warm a couple degrees. 75 santa teresa. upper 60s to about 70 santa cruz. not a lot of change along the peninsula. moraga, 73. 71 in benicia. north bay, we're looking for readings in the upper 70s for you. napa and fairfield. 68 degrees. tomorrow in calistoga, 77. wine country looks beautiful. a few more morning clouds, then sunshine. here's the extended forecast. let's spend a moment or two contemplating how long it's been since we've seen...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jun 10, 2011
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he was like mother teresa with a siren. [ laughter ] his capacity for caring was unmatched. he was fun to be on calls with and would always lighten the mood not just with the firefighters but also with the patients. and in fact one of his canned lines to elderly women when he was helping them up, he would say hug me like you're my husband. and after he put them down, he would tell them i don't think you really love your husband that much. i didn't feel it. to say that vince and tony were very different people would be an under statement. vince was a former marine. tony was a world-traveling hippy. vince worked on classic cars and hot rods. tony was an urban chicken farmer. vince had an amazing economy of words and tony had an inability to put a period on the the end of a sentence. vince loved to work out. and tony loved yoga. i think the immortal words of st. francis summed them up the best "nothing is so strong as gentleness and nothing is so gentle as real strength. "vincent and tony were our gentleness and our strength. together, gentleness and strength stood on that fate
he was like mother teresa with a siren. [ laughter ] his capacity for caring was unmatched. he was fun to be on calls with and would always lighten the mood not just with the firefighters but also with the patients. and in fact one of his canned lines to elderly women when he was helping them up, he would say hug me like you're my husband. and after he put them down, he would tell them i don't think you really love your husband that much. i didn't feel it. to say that vince and tony were very...
Jun 14, 2011
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in san francisco, teresa estacio, kron 4 news. >> our newson de pm as just getting started with the with informational bottom the rest made in connection with the michele le hulman news at 8:00 p.m. is just kidding started. with more about the arrest made with michelle le. first lady michelle obama and the preparations being made. >> and up close few, of the galaxy tablet is available for pre-order through best buy .com and it will hit stores on friday. in a giving you a sneak peak that is coming up on my tax report. tech report >>pam: 2012 already, the likelihood of a republican contenders are fired up! samantha hayes reports. >> from the economy, f foreign policy, they are debating the issue with their sights on the white house. their name out there. >> i will be the president to do what is right not what is politically correct. >> the message around the country large, small, manufacturing is to get the government off my back! as president, i well. >>reporter:romney to play defense on health care because of a law he signed as massachusetts governor of the became a model for national he
in san francisco, teresa estacio, kron 4 news. >> our newson de pm as just getting started with the with informational bottom the rest made in connection with the michele le hulman news at 8:00 p.m. is just kidding started. with more about the arrest made with michelle le. first lady michelle obama and the preparations being made. >> and up close few, of the galaxy tablet is available for pre-order through best buy .com and it will hit stores on friday. in a giving you a sneak peak...
Jun 25, 2011
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que tÚ hubieras sido mÁs valiente.jmñpganbñ >> fabiola interpreta a esperanza en la exitosa novela teresau'kmzh tambiÉn revelÓ que marcia celeste tambiÉn trabajÓ para ello y explicÓ por quÉ tuvo que despedirla.i$añ ecir es que f% la mandÓ mi hermana a mi casa y no sabÍa... lo que estaba pasando en mi casa. y por eso... por eso... decidimos salir del... de ella pues, mÁs bien era muy buena gente, hacÍamos yoga juntas y todo, me parecÍa una persona muy buena. >> daniela espera que pronto saldrÁ la luz la verdad de lo que ocurriÓ y aseguró que su familia la hecho pasar por cosas mÁs fuertes que el derrame cerebral que sufriÓ hace cuatro aÑos. >> pues bien, la actriz cameron diaz desmintiÓ que haya finalizado su noviazgo con el pelotero de grandes ligas alex rodrÍguez, como se comentÓ la semana pasada. >> nos hablÓ de su nueva pelÍcula donde tambiÉn trabaja su ex just ♪ >> &jregresa tpçla comedia cam dÍaz. la actriz de ascendencia cubana encara una degenerada maestra que hace todo lo que no t2j5%%i háq) una educadora. >> me anencuentro ante una excelenteactriz de la mala maestra. & >> no )-rm
que tÚ hubieras sido mÁs valiente.jmñpganbñ >> fabiola interpreta a esperanza en la exitosa novela teresau'kmzh tambiÉn revelÓ que marcia celeste tambiÉn trabajÓ para ello y explicÓ por quÉ tuvo que despedirla.i$añ ecir es que f% la mandÓ mi hermana a mi casa y no sabÍa... lo que estaba pasando en mi casa. y por eso... por eso... decidimos salir del... de ella pues, mÁs bien era muy buena gente, hacÍamos yoga juntas y todo, me parecÍa una persona muy buena. >>...