my name is teresa bowmont. i'm an attorney with google inc. i support mr. maroney's project. one, he's been incredibly patient through the process, he's been cooperative. he's been collaborative with the neighbors, and he's made a lot of changes already. i understand that they don't want to change the front of his yard at this point, but that's just something not realistic. two quick points in addition to seconding many of the speakers' comments already. one, again, the planning commission already conducted the historical study and it's sufficient that they don't do it again and that's what we want our planners doing, creating efficiencies around their work. and second, this is an abuse of the appellant appeal process, or appeal tactic by the appellants and i would ask that it not be allowed. thank you. >> ♪ here comes the night and i hope you fix up ord street right here comes the night won't you fix up ord street right and i hope you don't mind if you don't fix it up this time fix up ord street now fix it up and here comes the night won't you fix up ord street right ♪ presi