. >> hello, my name is teresa palmer, i'm a geriatrician. i work with senior and disability action at san franciscans for housing, healthcare, jobs and justice. my feeling is that cpmc is noncompliant and having a centre of excellence in senior care. they have an acute hospital unit , but they're planned for discharge is sponging off nonprofits and volunteer organizations, and not doing any real community outreach or discharge planning on their own. their primary goal seems to be saving payroll, not having their own dedicated employees, and getting people out of the hospital as quickly as possible so they can make a profit on the medicare dollars. this is pretty much the same with subacute. the d.p.h. has estimated that we have a dearth of 50 to 80 subacute beds in the subacute unit. we have none for the surviving patients at cpmc. davies, who are rapidly dying. the least cpmc could do is make the 17 retrofitted beds at davies into permanent subacute beds so we could get permanent staff because you can't -- this is a very high level of skill