teresa sievers even today on those youtube videos promoting health, healing, and a good life. she had helped so many, spreading her gospel. tragically, her message, like her life, cut short before she was finished. hello, i'm craig melvin, and this is "dateline." hello, i'm craig melvin, and this is "dateline." i had to do it. you're dead. rachel brady: ever since i heard it, it's been replaying in my head over and over. [footsteps crunching] it was all very unbelievable. craig melvin: it happened on thanksgiving-- two teenagers missing. i just buried my head into my hands, and i started to cry. craig melvin: where they were and what they did would launch a terrifying case. why did this have to happen here? craig melvin: with a deadly end. nobody's leaving until we figure out what happened. craig melvin: a man at home, alone and afraid. what would you do if you felt in danger? they were really attacking his home. you have a right to protect your home, and to protect yourself. he planned, he prepared, and he was determined to kill. craig melvin: the most chilling detail of all,