. >> and the letter y was written in a way that teresa stubbs had never seen before. >> the letter y was written four times, each time written differently. a slight variation but different. that was important. >> so they are working it really hard. we got to find who wrote this note. we do that we fine the killer. >> besides the handwriting the note held one other clue. next to the directions to the boat launch, joan rogers had written the phrase blue with wht. >> we just surmised they were meeting something that was blue and white. if you're going a boat ramp what would you be meeting that's blue and white. it's a boat. >> there were no boats docked at the launch, it's an area where anyone residents or tourists can put their boat in the water for a day of boating. then police got a break. a tipster told them about a local man who was running an unlicensed business from this boat launch, offering tourists sunset cruises on the bay. his name was jason wilcox, and he owned a blue and white boat. a background check revealed wilcox had a criminal record and had served time for aggravated