she spent from ages 7-10 at terezin in czech. she is one of the one percent of children at terezin who survived. ms. auerbacher has been lecturing on the holocaust since 1981 all over the world and recenty returned from falkirk, scotland, where she was the keynote speaker at the national holocaust day of rememberance on january 27th sponsored by interfaith scotland. she has written four books and appeared on radio and television programs here and abroad. upcoming tolerance week events: wednesday, march 2 - 7:30, sioux city orpheum theatre by special arrangement with the sioux city community theatre, the main event at the sioux city orpheum theatre will be opening night of the children's production of "i never saw another butterfly." as always, the event is free and open to the public. area 8th graders will see the show at 9:30 wednesday morning. ms. auerbacher will speak after each performance. thursday, march 3 - 10:30-12:00, western iowa tech community college, advanced sciences building, room l416/417, entrance 11, discussion