. >> and what did teri say?e're not doing anything. she confronted jamie, and he told her the same thing. she said, but kay, they're so calm about it. she said, i know they're doing something. >> within about a week of judy's death, kay sat judy's sons down and told them everything. as they absorbed it all, they remembered something strange. teri king was at the hospital the night their mom died. in fact, she got there before they did. >> why are you here before us? i mean, this is our mom, our flesh and blood. >> and we're talking, like, 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. >> and there was another even more awkward story kay felt she needed to share with judy's sons. >> i don't' want to tell this, but i'm going tell you. and she said that jamie's been trying to get your mama to have a threesome with him and teri. >> what? >> yeah. >> yes. >> this is not something your mom wanted? >> no. >> no. >> when she told me that, blew my mind. >> or something you want to think about? >> no. >> no, i don't want to think about eit