notification he seened from verizon that legacy services provided to the station wok immediately terminatenated in 90 days and that the station must find alternative service options. and he was upset understandably that his other options cost 2.5 times what the station currently pays and also would take weeks to install. wgch is a station that serves more than a million people with information that they need and deserve on emergencies severe weather, catastrophes and listeners rely on that service. so as ip transition moves forward and more legacy providers go through this process of obtaining permission for the commissionings to discontinue existing services in favor of newer technologies and more and more consumers receive these kinds of notices of discontinuous, i want to make sure there are sufficient protections for consumers. mr. chairman chairman wheeler i understand the commission is committed to making sure that consumers are properly informed. i'd also like to know what the commission is doing to ensure that consumers have recourses so they're not literally like w c gch cut off from s