that means each person working in the state is working more effectively in terps of -- terms of whatte. aside from economic advance, i want to make sure that we do everything that we can to ensure that our schools are places of real learning. [applause] [applause] >> our budget problem is dire. after years of cutbacks undetermined to enhance our public schools so that our citizens of the future have the skills, the zest, and the character to keep california up among the best. [applause] [applause] >> one of our native sons, joe royce, he was born in 1855 in the mining camp that later became the town of grass valley. i mention him because his philosophy of loyalty is exactly what is called for. loyalty to the community, to what is larger than our individual needs. we can over come the sharp divisions that leave our politics in perpetual gridlock, only the loyalty to california above and beyond our narrow perspectives. [applause] [applause] >> i also mentioned josiah royce, because my father talked about him a long time ago and his loyalty. i didn't grasp the importance. but as i look