to create energy security policy, on shackle individuals from over-regulation and taxation, and terranceucate our children. -- transforming how we educate our children. if great countries cannot depend on foreign sources of oil. status 20 years ago, off 28% was imported in the united states, and today, over 60% is imported from other countries, even though our country has many natural resources available to us. 10 of the countries around the state department put the travel warning was. we spend approximately $1 billion a day purchasing overseas oil instead of investment dollars that could be used organically within our own borders. this is essentially a destructive tax on the american consumer. the good news is that we have gone from predictions of imminent declines to current projections of having the least 100 years of current supply. however, the current administration is embarking on new rules to restrict this new development, imposing new taxes, new regulations, elimination's of new deductions on the industry, and also supporting special interest groups that attempts to strike fear