. >> so fast customer terrance bradshaw barely has a chance to react. >> i heard the mother yell get away from my child, don't you touch her. it took me a second to realize what was going on. >> now put yourself in his place. you've just witnessed a complete stranger try to kidnap someone's child. besides calling 911, what's your next best move? a, physically attack the kidnapper to get him to let go? b, get in your car and follow the kidnapper so you can give his location to police? or c, scream, yell and draw attention to the situation? >> he was about 6'2", 6'3", 250 pounds. he was a heavyset man. if i were to engage him, i probably would have ended up hurt. >> option a is a risky decision, but what about starting your own civilian pursuit? >> i think following a suspect might be a consideration, but it's obviously a pretty dangerous move following somebody in a vehicle. >> the smartest most effective decision in this case is scream, holler and make a commotion that will attract help. >> just getting the more people and more witnesses to see what the guy looked like, the better. >