well terrance samuel has been promoted to npr executive editor. but he still has time to spare, it's not that hard to put morning sedition on the air, terrance samuel hosts seminars on disinformation and democracy, something called american university. no, we are not making any of this up. nor are we fab rating npr's report last month that informed us, male athletes have no inherent performance advantages than females, men and women are physically the same size, they have the same muscle mass, there is no difference whatsoever in their bone structure, we checked with experts. so, as you know, npr is famous for widely respected science coverage. that is not the only npr is the only go-to news source. they are the lifestyle piece, the features in the newspaper business. here is a piece for example. on how one african american barbie doll, ahead of its time in the toy industry changed the life of a latinx girl forever. >> i remember this one christmas my cousin's father gifted us all barbies. and when everyone was unwrapping, you know the excitement,