. >> yeah, so both myself and terrell adam mccrany, the play right and moonlight blackwood, we both grew up in the neighborhood you see depicted in the film. that's liberty city. >> you didn't know each other? >> didn't know each other. went to the same schools, about eight months apart in age. and we should have known each other. we certainly feel like both of our moms, not necessarily knew each other, but they must have been in the same places because they both struggled with crack cocaine that you see depicted in the film. pretty much everywhere, you know, with the exception of, you know, sexuality, you know, myself and terrell's life, just completely overlapped. >> what do you make of the serendipity of that? >> you know, it's one of those things where i'll speak to this, for a long time, i didn't want to tell this story. you know, i just wasn't comfortable talking about these things. and it took, you know, randomly, you know, meeting becoming friends with terrell, you know, in the 33rd year of our lives, you know, to see that he owns this place when he was ready to speak on it. i co