zora neale hurston and more recently terrell walker. laurent neale hurston's work, richardwright denounced it . he denounced her work as exactly what white people want to see between sorrow and tears when in fact she was creating what most people now i think is a sophisticated and rich depiction of black life in america and richard wright had an immediate sense of what art was supposed to do and he's a brave writer as well. notalways appreciated . but he was kind of the father . >> it will be interesting having conversations with the audience until we have microphones. >> and terrell walker more recently, i know with some of her early work she was denounced for just reproducing violence, reproducing , you're just going to make it so everybody sees and is going to think about violence being done to black bodies when they see that art but i think she's pretty effectively proven in the years sense that what she's doing is more revelatory of the american racial imaginary and expose more difficult questions and it has reinforced negative fan