the dynamic duo of action comedy but spencer and terrence hill. they shot to fame in an age when much easement was still celebrated unreservedly on the silver screen this scene from bomber is a real hit at the spencer hill festival. the much. around three thousand fans who come to rome watching sex need to celebrate the lives and work of their heroes both have a cult following it's spencer who died more than two years ago and sonny boy hill is now seventy nine. and spencer even has a double game there are two of the list but he loves to get it just like me and like both of them were involved in sports at a high level and i was also a swimmer at a club in dresden this is me that's why i just large but spencer i have this core dynamic teardrop shape and of course and this tops it all he died on my birthday you book your own twenty seven dollars is. there also if you terrence still look alikes in love much this group. the alps from italy to attend the event . many fans remember the films from their childhood so what's so great about them. they will fi