>> the states are n a terrie situion. we saw somethingwe haven't seen sincethe 1930's, and tht is cafornia issuingi.o.u.'s. the states are a drag on the stimulus. they are basically ragging down any of the impact e stimul might have ad because they're retrenching. theye can selling summer hool, fuloughing workers. if you're furlowed yo're not going to go ut to dinner o e movies. it's a realdrag on the stimulus. th are talking about what theyan do to help the stas but you can't rally help one state and not he other and what ca you do tt's a on size its all? the tates havevery different probms. and they need t prove to critors that they're wort of their moey an fix their vobs- problems so that they caborrow money. gn: i was strk by how interested the reublicans were in this. they seemed o grab on to this as somethi they can push back hard on every single day talkingabout how thisdidn't work. is this a heme we're goig to see nw develop among republicans, whicis ah, finally wve got something we n beat them about the ars with?