. >> my name is terry barton craig and i am a hebrew hairdresser. >> reporter: the rest is natural. >> when i was born, it was not called denver but kansas >> reporter: jack's not it year- old act is getting a lot of laughs. >> this is a great audience. >> reporter: and rave reviews from the toughest critics. >> this guy full time. >> reporter: and other comediennes. >> full throttle. >> i have gone after him and i'm like what did you say? you talk like this? >> if you expect like super like 92-year-old dude jokes, you know what i'm saying? like total henny youngman. >> take my wife, please. >> and he has a great way, real life eie think i might see a future. if i can make it to 92. i don't know what kind of juice he's putting in his -- >> perhaps the best compliment comes from his manager. >> and give yourselves a big round of applause. >> reporter: who once saw him at his worse. >> he worked extremely hard to be able to be who he was before. and so instead of being who he was before, he went one up and did better. a great night. and this is my closing. >> reporter: with ann, i am st