we have our very special friend, one of my big sports heroes, terry bradshaw. >> what is michael doingn the show? i'm the star of the show. that is what it is about. he is taking up or space. his head takes up half the room and this guy is just showing up, give him a wart break, guys. >> michael, do you recognize that voice? that's -- either that is terry or "freight." >> what's up? he is not the only one who came to talk. we have more folks that want to talk. coach madden hasn't left the stage yet, he's still around. what would coach madden want to give, advice to michael? >> actually a couple of questions i would like to ask michael. one is, being the great player that he's been, always will be, and, you know, will be in the future, what's it look to play against brett favre? that's an important one. and the over one, have you ever been to an orthodontist? frank does his piece for the show and we can't find him after he is finished. >> well, we want to strangle you sometimes. he is phenomenal. the curtain loves you. >> i tell you what, it's been great. michael has been an amazing add