doesn't. >> alfonsi: still. >> tangie griffin: still. >> alfonsi: by the time they were teenagers, terry griffinraptions to allow his one-handed son to do the same demanding weight- lifting as his twin brother. this one was called "the book." >> shaquem griffin: it's literally like a block of wood, a book, and then a sock over it. >> shaquill griffin: on top of it. >> shaquem griffin: and then, like, a small block on top of the sock-- --where it kind of, kind of clips, or hooks to the bar. my brother can hold it and guide it. >> alfonsi: lifting was followed by daily backyard drills dreamt up, and directed, by their father. what did the neighbors think was going on at the griffin house? >> shaquem griffin: like we're getting ready for war. there was so much stuff going around. you got us in the backyard jumping over bricks. and-- >> shaquill griffin: a lot of yelling. >> shaquem griffin: a lot of yelling. and, oh my goodness-- the dog screaming. >> shaquill griffin: they knew we were training for something serious. >> shaquem griffin: yeah! >> alfonsi: the twins became high school football stars