my name is terry leigh. i have been the project manager for the biodiesel demonstration. the resolution before you would allow the city to retroactively except and expand approximately $951,500 in department of energy funds for demonstrations. awarded in 2009, the department of energy became very busy in awarding and expanding the american recovery and investment act funds to route 2002. which is why we are now able to accept this grant. these funds would allow for boundaries, restaurant trap ways, to be converted into clean burning biodiesel. it is important for the city because the san francisco public utilities commission sewer department spent $3.5 million each year addressing greece blockage in the sewers. in addition, fed and cisco has successfully transitioned its vehicle fleet from diesel to cleaner burning biodiesel. this demonstration furnishes technology that would allow the city to recover what is considered waste greased out of the city, converting it into a clean biodiesel. we are excited to once again get grant funds. we would appreciate your support. thank