but culture is pleased to host lewis lapham in a conversation with terry mcdonell. the new book, "age of folly" and terry mcdonell's new book also and editors notes on writing. we encourage you to pick up one or two or three so we can continue to be a community space on the upper west side. a quick show of hands if you have been here before. okay, well welcome all of the new faces. 20 years ago this was lost to the upper west side. many other wonderful independent bookstores over the airport a couple of years ago but culture in partnership with parker magazine opened up of this space to celebrate the important written word. might not get the attention it deserves. it's something we think an independent bookstore can offer more than anyone else. and again we are really happy to be here to bring great authors and a great conversation. lewis lapham is the founding editor of lapan quarterly and the college received a national award in 1995 for exhibiting an accelerating point of view in the age of conformity and in 2002 and esteemed journalism award. he was inducted int