in america 3 out of every 5 families are touched by adoption "700 club" co host, terry meeuwsen knows becae she is one of them. >> adoption is so dear to me. my husband andy and i had 2 bilogical ildren then we adopted 2 children. i thought our family was complete until god stirred my heart. a couple told me about 3 sisters they met in a ukrainian orphanage. the couple was approved to adopt the 2 younger children. so the older sist offered to stay behind. what type of child is willing to make such a sacrife? i couldn't get it out of my thought. i prayed god bring a family to adopt those girls. little did i know it would be my own. the willingness to embrace another adoption didn'thappen overnight. i already had 4 children. i imagined the chaos of 7. andy and i clearly felt god calling us to become parents to these 3 little girls. i was looking for someone who would say terry, are you insane? this is adopting 3 girls at once. we should have been concentrating on sending our kids to college. instead we would be back to kids in grade schoo godi don't think i can do this. i just thought i