this was after we got married. >> it was on the fourth day of their honeymoon when terri confirmed moore'sat i had, and she told me that she had been a man. >> did it make you question yourself? >> oh, yeah. still to this day. >> tell me about that. >> well, to find out you're in love with someone that is homosexual and you're not a homosexual, then things started progressing to real loss of temper, you know, towards the individual and hatred for the individual. i began to hate them, you know, and i hated them enough that i killed them, you know. i shot him to death because of his sexuality because he had been with me and i -- i'm not gay, you know, and it bothered me, you know. it angered me a great deal. it made me really mad to think that the person had deceived me, you know, in this way and hadn't just told me the truth when we met. could have said, yeah, i'm a transsexual, you know. the person could have told me that they were a transsexual. we could have had a couple drinks and been friends and that would have been the end of it. i would not sleep with a transsexual, you know. there'