. >> our interview with the stabber, terry moore, gave insight into how little it takes to prompt a potentially deadly attack in prison. >> what happened? >> i had an assault on an inmate. >> why? >> why? because he had stole my shoes. >> actually, this was not a surprise to me. in prison, you have very few possessions. your resources are limited, and if somebody comes and takes one of your possessions, two things happen -- "a," you lose something that could very well be useful to you, and "b," you will be perceived as a weaker person if you don't retaliate. >> well, i just come here from work one day, and they were missing, and which is one good thing about holman, they talk about everything. i knew it was just a matter of time to find out who had gotten them. >> moore and the inmate alleged to have stolen his shoes work together in the prison laundry. >> so i just started making my plans how i was going to deal with it from then. it took me about four days. >> what took you four days? >> to get a knife and decide where i was going to get him at. >> moore says he decided to attack the inmate i