my name is terry nordbrock. i wastr a librarian with the tucson pima public library unti it became an activist in 2001 i after my two year old son was a diagnosed with leukemia. we met other families in the shot of the kenya cluster and we were active and not investigation and the controversy around that issue. i left the field of librarianship and nonexecutive director of the national disease clusters lands and we are a nonprofit working to prevent environmental tragedies like the ones you hear about today. discovery links between environmental exposure and disease is challenging. however, it can be done and it must be done and if we have the proper tools, communication, respect for communities and sites about we can do it. it is an honor to serve today as the panel for this discussion. so thank you all for coming. so first up, it is my pleasure to introduce kristin iversen, author of "full body burdon: growing up in the nuclear shadow of rocky flats". kristin's memoir reveals family secret and government secre