terry o'neill is with me now. an attorney, law professor, and social justice activist, she became president of now last june. joining us is john nichols, author, political journalist and washington correspondent of the nation magazine. he wrote this article on the nation's blog headlined, "now that obama's signed it, let's reform the reform." both of them are progressives who prescribed a much stronger dose of health care reform than we got. so my question to them is, where do we go from here? john, terry, welcome to "the journal". >> thank you. >> moyers: this is the most sweeping piece of legislation passed since medicare in 1965. what do you think of it? >> well, i... that's exactly right. it is the first time in this country's history that we have had comprehensive health care legislation. and it is painful to me that women's health has been singled out the first time that we do this as a country, we single out women to be deprived of ordinary health care that they need. and i'm talking about the sweeping anti