labor's international union general president, terry o'sullivan said the decision was so repulseive and disgusting that he was going to pull his union out of the blue/green alliance, a group of labor unions and environmentalists that represented nearly all that sign a joint statement that supported the president. he said that the groups that had no equity in this work have kicked our union in the teeth. we will not sit at the table with people that destroy our members' livelihood. the labor unions supporting the project issued a forceful condemning the act as politics at its worst. a study about the jobs that it would create was clear when it was said this decision was really about the president being re-elected. the president's re-election is at stake and there's certainly more at stake here than a simple pipeline. in closing i would like to quote from a chicago tribune, keystone should be approved. it's a good project. it will give us energy and give us jobs. you want stimulus, this is it. this is a $7 billion project to be done with private dollars, taxpayer dollars will not be used.