terry garr it was raquel welch. >> interesting. >> last night the tax bill passes. harry reidull a 1.1 trillion spending bill. what's going on? >> i thought it was interesting. i thought drama might build more. the president came out after the election and said he regretted passing omnibus spending bills that had all the earmarks, banning earmarks was one of the hot things to come out of the election of the president wanted to co-op the issue, said, sure, i'm for the ban as well. let's keep the pressure on the republicans. let's have them live up to their fiscal responsibility. this put him in an awkward position. you know what the questions were, wait a minute. i thought you regretted that. you're going to pass the bill? when does the new obama show up. if there's a course correction we've seen it. now, is there a tax bill? this spending bill got curbed. look at all the outreach the president has done, particularly the business community. this week meeting with bill clinton, gates, buffet. some things to demonstrate. >> the meeting with jamie diamond, an important sign for wa