and terry wentz answered the phone, and he said, "well, i don't think so," so i got on the next plane i could, and the place was surrounded by cops. i mean, you thought that there was, like, a real t. rex loose on the property. >> the next day in they brought reinforcements, a lot more people. the idea was that we were going to load this stuff up and haul it somewhere. and when the director of military support, one of the colonels got down there, he called and said, "hey, general, this is not what we expected. this is a media event. we got schoolkids out here. we got parents out here. what should we do?" and i said, "well, just go do it." >> don't be cruel, save! don't be cruel! save sue! don't be cruel! save sue! don't be cruel! save sue! don't be cruel! save sue! don't be cruel! save sue! save sue! save sue! save sue! save sue! save sue! save sue! >> all day long, the protesters kept arriving. >> protesting about what the government was doing. save sue! save sue! save sue! save sue! save sue! shame on you! shame on you! shame on you! shame on you! shame on you! shame on you! shame o