terry whitcomb: and he was over there by himself, you know?uld he do if he didn't find her? you know, it was just it was all those things. keith morrison (voiceover): zach hopped in his car and began the 8 mile drive down the winding road from kuji to newda. as i come down the hill, i start noticing people are walking on the side of the road. no cars but they're-- they're just walking. whole families walking. and i just thinking to myself, that's odd, you know? that's strange. as i got closer, i could see what looked like to be a house on its side just in the middle of the road. i was really confused because where were the tsunami walls? keith morrison (voiceover): police had set up a barricade. and beyond it, what did you see over there? zach brannon: it was just complete-- complete destruction, you know? there had been like for a lot of the houses, they're heated with kerosene. keith morrison: yeah. so kerosene tanks had been knocked over throughout the tsunami. and because of the downed power lines, actually sparked fires. there's fires on