. >> um, inspector general terry wiley my last duties as inspector general to give an overview this this year's budget i'll start with what are are the duties of the inspector general and the purpose for mit a sufficient budget. charter section lays out the roles and roundabout of the office of the inspector general and we conduct investigations complabt against the sheriff's office about employees and or contractors we investigate the death of any individual while in the custody of the san francisco sheriff's department and make disciplinary actions to the sheriff. we also evaluate with policy review parallel that mind for the use of force and we develop and recommend policies for the sheriff's office. and we report an anti they're overall operations and construct hearings if necessary that's the role of the inspector general. and this year um, as a relates to the budget there are not any major changes from the last presentation of the budget which was made in december of 24. so i'll move pot mayors budget instructions and the button instructions are basically the priorities that the ma