batteries to build and then that's it for the next few days there's a dip in production at tess fulton brandenburg a supplier can't keep up deliveries of the required tack the company is feeling the downside of the immobility boom empty shelves in the warehouse where crates would usually be piled up high the boss of the battery producer says such a production bottleneck is nothing new the industry is booming that's why founders the manchanda has doubled his staff each year he's even considering building more space no problem as the land prices in the east of germany a solo. here's a stop up. where a startup so of course costs play a huge role we also have a location here with 4000 square meters of pure production and warehouse space that's a key reason why we set up shop here record 4 wheels off because it's a single square metre of building plot costs around $70.00 euro's in brandenburg in the south of germany companies can expect to pay $420.00 euros or more since tesla announced its gigafactory the area is beginning to look like a key location for europe's the mobility revolution but who's prof