pelosi to step down, vice chairwoman of representative linda sÁnchez has said that it's time for somebody new to take over. it's a testament what democrats realized they need to do going to 2018 and that requires change in leadership and somebody who really understands the messaging that they're going to need if they want to, you know, take back the house or even regain some seats in the house. rob: yeah, chuck over to you, you can see two ways, by the way, there's more construction, i think you can hear in the background, we had the same problem last week. same question, though, you have one side that says we need to young leadership, somebody fresh, somebody new, the other side is that pelosi has been doing this a long time, you're a master of the craft, aren't you? >> i have been running campaigns all over the country. i will tell you this, the average age of the democratic leadership is 77. there's a whole new generation of democrats who come of age under barack obama who are looking for ideas and thoughts of generation and i applaud them and lift up voices, i think we need more of that all throughout our party. rob: y